How to Attract Customers and Make Money with Online Video

Welcome to this 4-part course presented by [your company or brand]. We recommend that you turn off all notifications and distractions and take notes while watching the videos below. Putting into practice what you learn here will be well worth your time and attention.


模組 #1. 16個創意入門(ArduBlock)

In this video, you'll discover the simplest (and most repeatable) system for creating compelling and high converting sales messages for any purpose.


模組 #2. Arduino進階程式

This video is all about the tech: discover the best video tools (software & hardware) and the exact setup we use ourselves. Plus: free alternatives to almost every paid tool for video production!


模組 #3. 讓我們連上雲端(ESP8226)

In this video, you'll discover our exact video traffic strategy. Not only will you see how you can get more views for your videos, but also how you can use video to drive more traffic to your website.


模組 #4. 最小化你的設計(ATTiny85)

In this final video, you'll learn how to put it all together. Check out the case study to see a practical example of a complete (and very profitable) video strategy that you can emulate 1:1.


模組 #5. 創客電子技術

In this final video, you'll learn how to put it all together. Check out the case study to see a practical example of a complete (and very profitable) video strategy that you can emulate 1:1.


模組 #6. 量產你的作品(PCB設計)

In this final video, you'll learn how to put it all together. Check out the case study to see a practical example of a complete (and very profitable) video strategy that you can emulate 1:1.


Your Download & Bonus Links

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Click the button below to download all of the video lessons in this course:

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